Frequently asked questions

Here, we have collected the most frequently asked questions on Moreover, we have made some small guidelines that can help you along in your search.


Many images and other materials in the archives are catalogued according to their address. So, if you know it, try writing the address in the search field, e.g. “Andkærvej 19” – and perhaps add a place name or indicate a parish or municipality in the menu to the left beneath Advanced Search. As only a small amount of the material has so far been geotagged, only a limited number of search results may emerge at present in filtering by place.
If you search for “Aalborg Shipyard” in the search field, you can combine it with the year in the menu to the left. In this case, “1930 – 1940”.
If photos of schoolchildren can be found in the archive that covers the town in which the school lay, the names may be listed together with the photo and you may be able to search for it on Photos and names of those on class-, confirmation- or other types of photos may not be available on due to the personal data protection laws. It is always possible to contact the relevant archive and ask if they have material that could help you further, and whether you may see the photograph.
Search for Præstø in the search field and limit the type of material to “Maps and drawings” in the menu to the left. If the map is available, its catalogue record will pop up in your search results.
In the menu to the left, you can choose the place and cross off the field “Only with pictures”. It is possible to choose between a parish and a municipality. As only a small amount of the material has thus far been geotagged, it is possible that only a very limited number of search results may turn up in filtering by place.
Not all the material in the archives has been digitized. An archive can certainly hold information on an illustration, without the image itself being shown on Copyright rules and data protection laws can also prevent the images from being displayed. Instead, a blue background is shown. Please contact the archive in question to seek permission to see the image.
If you click here, you can search by subject headings or keywords that the archive in question uses. Then you can continue your search in the collections of that archive.
You can select different filters in your search when you use the Advanced Search function. Here, it is possible to restrict the search to a specific period, type of material, archive or place.
This could be due to several reasons. Perhaps the material has not yet been catalogued or perhaps no material on the topic you seek exists. You can always try to contact the individual archives to see if they hold more material. You can find the contact details of the archives on
You can read more on the subject on in the guide, Search help. You can also read the guide, What can I find on in order to understand the types of material that may be found on

Displaying search results

If you click on the title of the material or the accompanying image/icon, you then gain access to the entire catalogue entry where you may find more information.
Many of the images can be seen in larger format if you were to click on the image itself or the expand icon:
Yes, provided that all the images are digitized, they may be available to the viewer on Click on the gallery icon in order to browse through all the images or on the gallery icon on the individual content block under additional content.
In certain cases, a symbol of a pin is shown next to the image. When you click on it, a map appears showing approximately where the photographer stood:
Det er nu muligt at se digitaliserede papirarkivalier på Papirarkivalierne udgør dog en meget stor del af arkivernes samling, og derfor er der stadig mange papirarkivalier, som ikke er blevet digitaliseret endnu. Meget er heller ikke umiddelbart tilgængeligt på grund af forskellige klausuler. Kontakt det enkelte arkiv, hvis du ønsker at søge om tilladelse til at se klausuleret materiale eller har spørgsmål vedrørende adgang til papirarkivalier, som endnu ikke er blevet digitaliseret. Klik på knappen Kontakt arkivet for at sende en mail til arkivet eller find kontaktoplysninger på

Access to the archive material

It is not yet possible to see digitized documents on You have to contact the archive that holds the material. To send an email to the archive concerned, click on the icon, Contact the archive.
Most archives hold a great deal of material that still awaits cataloguing, and therefore is not yet accessible on However, as soon as the material is catalogued and digitized, it will appear here.
The archives that participate on, follow the same regulations for accessibility as the Danish National Archives . That means that archive material is generally released and available for public inspection after a time limit of 20 years. In the case of sensitive material, 75 years have to pass before the material is declassified. Finally, in certain types of archive records, other regulations may apply. It is possible for anyone to request permission to see classified records. Please contact the archive in question if you wish to seek permission to see classified archive material.
Yes. It is possible to see films and listen to recordings on Many archives have not yet made their digitized recordings available on, or for instance have made them accessible on their own websites instead.
If you do not wish to display images and other material of yourself, please contact the archive that holds the material and ask them to remove it from
Please contact the archive which covers the geographical area relating to your material. You may find the contact details for local archives on:

Using the material

As a general rule, it is the photographer who holds the copyright. In certain cases, it may be the newspaper that the photographer worked for, that holds the copyright, or it could be shared between the photographer and the newspaper. You can read more on copyright under Rights and Uses.
Yes, you may share a link to a specific catalogue entry on social media using the sharing icons in each entry. You are not permitted to copy the image and upload it directly onto Facebook and other social media nor crop the image and remove the watermark.
No, you are not permitted to take a direct copy from, but you may contact the archive that owns the image to obtain or buy a digital copy for private use. Private use does not cover publication of the images on a private website, a closed Facebook group etc.

Click on the icon Contact the archive to send an email to the archive or find contact details on:
In many cases, you are permitted to do so. However, as some of the images are deposited in archives with the understanding that they may not be used by others, or have various stipulations that restrict their use, you first need to ask the archive that owns the image, and purchase a copy if necessary, and agree to the conditions for using the image. As a minimum, the photographer’s name and archive should always be mentioned beneath the image. Moreover, if the copyright for the image has still not run out, you are also required to obtain permission from the copyright holder to use the image. Learn more about copyrights in Rights and Uses.
No, not without seeking permission from the archive that owns the image. You may also be required to purchase a copy and agree to the conditions for using the image. As a minimum, the photographer’s name and archive should always be mentioned beneath the image. Moreover, if the copyright for the image has still not run out, permission from the copyright holder is required to use the image. Learn more about copyrights in Rights and Uses.
As long as the motive is not commercial, you may. However, please note that you also may need to make an agreement with VISDA in order to use images under copyright in your talk. Read more on VISDA’s website VISDA’s hjemmeside (danish).
You can buy a copy by contacting the archive that owns the image. Click on the icon Contact the archive to send an email to the archive, or find the contact details on:
If the images are to be used for anything other than private purposes, for instance for publication or use in other media, e.g. in a website, book etc., you need to make an agreement with the archive that owns the image. has made an agreement with VISDA that is responsible for the rights of photographers in Denmark with regard to displaying copyrighted images on Under this agreement, we are obliged to display a watermark on all the images. has a contract with VISDA on displaying copyrighted images on our website. Therefore, please contact VISDA so that you can be remunerated for the use of your images or to opt out of the agreement.
We have gathered together all the information on copyright and use of images and other material on the page on Rights and Uses.


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